Food NewsRestaurants

Burger King Wants Every Customer To Be Offered A Crown With A Compliment

Deborah Derby, CEO of Carrols Restaurant Group Inc., the largest U.S. franchisee of Burger King, is cooking up some new customer service initiatives that are set to add a dash of regal flair to the fast-food experience.

“You Rule” at Burger King

In a move that’s sure to raise a few eyebrows – and maybe even a crown – Derby has mandated her staff to greet customers with the phrase “you rule.” This tagline, introduced by Burger King in 2022, is part of a strategy to generate a “positive aura” in the restaurants. Imagine walking in for a Whopper and being told you’re royalty – now that’s a happy meal!

Crowning Every Customer

But the royal treatment doesn’t stop there. Derby’s plan also includes offering Burger King’s signature cardboard crowns to every customer. Picture this: a 38-year-old guy, just cruising solo, gets asked if he wants a crown with his burger. “It forces that extra few seconds of engagement,” Derby explained to Bloomberg. Because who wouldn’t want to feel like a king while munching on fries?

Enforcing the Royal Decree

This isn’t just a whimsical idea that’ll disappear faster than a side of onion rings. Derby is serious about these practices and plans to enforce them through store visits. A representative from Carrols Restaurant Group confirmed that these regal requirements were introduced by the franchisor.

A $400 Million Plan for Burger King’s Renaissance

The changes come as part of Burger King’s broader focus on customer satisfaction. In 2022, the chain announced a $400 million plan to boost sales and franchisee performance. Patrick Doyle, chairman of Burger King’s parent company, Restaurant Brands International, emphasized the need for dedicated franchise operators, hinting at a possible shake-up among franchisees.

Collecting Feedback for the Kingdom

Peter Perdue, COO of Burger King North America, told Business Insider that the company has been actively collecting feedback by visiting restaurants and listening to customers. “The Burger King restaurants that consistently deliver hot, quality food, served fast and with great service, get the most positive reviews,” he said.

Burger King’s Quest for Customer Satisfaction

As Carrols Restaurant Group rolls out these initiatives, Burger King continues its quest to enhance the customer experience. Whether these regal touches will translate into a loyal subject base remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure – at Burger King, you might just leave feeling a little more majestic than when you entered.

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