Can You Guess The Mystery Flavor Of Mountain Dew Voodoo 2?
Mountain Dew Voodoo is making it’s return to shelves with a number two and it is a mystery flavor. The spooky beverage is said to taste like Skittles by many of lucky drinkers.
If you are a fan of Mountain Dew’s first Voodoo, you may remember many thought it was Skittles flavor, and it turned out to be Candy Corn. Number two seems to actually be spot on to the famous candy.

People have been spotting the new drink at Meijer’s but keep a lookout for it to hit a store near you!
It taste like coconut almond joy mix
candy corn
Cream soda and skittles
Taste the Rainbow 🌈, Skittles
I think it tastes like bazooka bubblegum
The mystery flavor 2020 tastes like skittles
Skittles and cream soda
Listen you never even tasted this soda there is no way because you’re guess is just straight southbound at 200 miles an hour with no brakes
No way no how you didn’t even try this drink because your comment towards what it taste like is absolutely southbound at 200 miles an hour with no brakes on a collision course with a brick wall even I was wrong at first but what I really think that it is, orange creamsicle dipped in Strawberry Skittle
Orange Tootsie pop
It taste like Candy apple to me
It taste like pink starburst
Cotton candy grapes
Its Cotton Candy, change my mind
Some kind of candy like skittles or starburst
Cotton candy grapes
Yellow skittle
skittles 100% taste the rainbow
Butterscotch definitely. Taste seems familiar from the lollipops.
It’s orange skittles
It tastes like skittles
1000% skittles
Baseball card bubble gum
Cotton candy maybe?
I think it tastes like bubblegum.
The one for 2020 taste like strawberry cream soda
Wildberry skittles
Cream peach
Strawberry skittles
Yes yes yes the red skittles except it has a green apple taste as well so what I said was if a flavor of a green apple dip in the strawberry Skittle candy Skittles are my favorite candy and I’ve eaten in my whole life just ghetto part of the flavor was not hard at all but there is also green apple so green apple dipped in Strawberry Skittle
Even I had it wrong there you can smell the Skittles and you can taste orange creamsicle I believe it’s orange creamsicle dipped in Strawberry Skittle candy that’s the flavor
Yes but orange creamsicles ice cream dipped in Strawberry Skittle candy
I am certain it is gummy worms
Taste like grape bubble gum
Nobody you got to go get your taste buds check or stop smoking cigarettes or something because it tastes nothing like neither of those
It tastes more like orange creamsicle ice cream diped in strawberry Skittle candy
Wow not at all bud taste more like orange creamsicle and smells like strawberry Skittles so I’m guessing it’s orange creamsicle dipped in strawberry Skittle candy
Okay so everybody’s got it right about the Skittles part but there’s one more thing I think we’re missing green apple so what they did is they dip the green apple and liquefied red Skittle candy and that’s the taste that we get in the street it would be a green apple dip in red Skittle candy
Listen you never even tasted this soda there is no way because you’re guess is just straight southbound at 200 miles an hour with no brakes
Okay everybody so it’s like this if you put the pop up to your nose and smell it you will smell the Skittles if you drink the pot do you want to taste the orange creamsicle so I believe the flavor is orange creamsicle dip in Strawberry Skittle candy
strawberry skittles.
Pumpkin Lime
I’m guessing Skittles cause that’s what I think it tastes like.
vanillin vanilla and orange sherbet
I think it is candy apple that is my guess.